Any time is a good time to take steps toward a healthy physique! Here are three ways technology can help!
Remove Unwanted Fat
If you have stubborn, unwanted fat in the abs, flanks or thighs, your first step might be eliminating some of those fat cells. SculpSure® is a great way to decrease fat by 25% in the area of treatment. Find out more about SculpSure®.
Restore Muscle Strength
Excess fat may not be your problem. You may lack core strength or need a boost in your muscle strength – abs, buttocks, thighs, calves or arms. EmSculpt® puts your muscles to work by stimulating muscle contractions in the treatment zone. During the 30-minute treatment, electromagnetic impulses generate over 26,000 contractions, helping that muscle to become stronger. The muscles use nearby fat for fuel, so the fat is reduced by 16%. Learn about EmSculpt®.
Improve Skin Tone
Once your contours have improved by reducing fat and strengthening muscle, you may want to improve the skin tone overlying the fat and muscle layers. TempSure® improves cellulite and wrinkled appearance of the skin with gentle radiofrequency massage. Visit our TempSure® page.
What to expect:
The aesthetic results include better muscle definition, refined contours, clothes that fit again, and a stronger healthier feeling. One or a combination of these treatments may restore your confidence in your appearance and motivate you to a healthier diet and exercise program.
Contact us to see if you are a candidate for these treatments!
Note: Stable weight, healthy dietary intake, and regular exercise help to maintain your new shape!